Outsiders case of Anna Road H.O. taken up by our Secretary General Shri. D. Theagarajan.
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110 001.
Phone : 011-23321378
E-mail : theagarajannachi@hotmail.com
Ref : 9/NAPE C/102/2016 Date : 25-1-2016
Dr. Charles Lobo
The Chief PMG
Tamilnadu Circle
Chennai 600 002
Sub : Unfair treatment to the staff by the
Tamilnadu Circle administration - Regarding.
My union constrains to write this letter to you.
Under the pretext of Department’s interest, your subordinate officers in the Circle office are giving
untold sufferings and much ill-treatment to the staff. The staff unions are not given its due recognition by
officers working in your Circle office except yourself.
I can point out many number of issues in this regard. You are aware that after computerisation in Post
offices, how the staff are suffering. You are also aware how the MNOP system created double work in RMS
offices. There is no need to express the sufferings of MMS drivers/staff. No one is peaceful in the last few
years in our Department account of changing scenerio.
It is necessary that we have to accept changes in work places for our survival in the era of cut-throat
competition. But at the same time the employees are expecting humanitarian approach from the officers.
You are aware during the recent flood in Tamilnadu, the multi-national companies granted extraordinary
incentives and perquisites to their employees in order to keep up their morale. But it is upside down in our
Department. Even Flood Advance which is due for employees is not granted yet, though the Prime Minister
and state Chief Minister have announced that four Districts of Tamilnadu were badly affected due to flood.
Forget about flood advance. In regard to Supervisor’s posting, for every posting your office is adopting
different yardsticks in the name of departmental interests. It is not interest. It is nothing but cruel meted out
to the staff.
Officials who have performed more than 34 years of service are denied their legitimate choice. It is
not fair on the part of the Circle administration.
In Many post offices, OS who have rendered more than 20 years of service were recently sent out
(Anna Road) mercilessly.
The above issues are only a tip of an iceberg. Again I wish to state that we are not against the
changes in the Department. We are not against the improvements taking place in the Department. We are
not against the Postal business. We are not against the new products. But we are against the ill-treatment
on our staff by your subordinate officers working in your circle office.
My Federation as a first step is sending this letter explaining the mental agony of the staff with the
hope that you will find a lasting solution to end the ill-treatment to the staff.
Thanking you,
Yours fraternally,
Sd --