3. LTC Claims -Need for observing prescribed procedures
This Department receives a large number of recommendations for relaxation of some or the other provision of the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988, (hereinafter referred to as LTC Rules), in individual cases. It is seen that, in most cases the situation arises are due care had not been exercised by the Government servant and/or the administrative authority in claiming LTC or in examination.
2. The references mainly relate to:
a) Late submission of claims;
b) Booking of air tickets through an agency not authorised by the Government for this purpose;
c) Travel by private vehicles; and
d) Claims for wrong block of years.
3. In this connection it may please be noted that the primary responsibility’ for ensuring compliance with the rules is that of the Government servant. The of-repeated plea of ignorance of rules cannot be a valid ground for relaxation of rules. At the same time it has also been noticed that the administrative authorities have also shown laxity and due diligence on their part could have prevented such situations from arising.
4. Late Submission of Claim
4.1 In terms of Rules 14 and 15(vi) of LTC Rules, the time limit for submission of LTC claim is
i) Within three months of completion of return journey, if no advance is drawn;
ii) Within one month of “completion of returnjoumey, if advance is drawn.
Powers have been delegated, as under, to the Ministries/Departments to relax these limits with the concurrence of the Financial Advisor.
a) Upto 6 months, if no advance is drawri;
b) Upto 3 months if advance is drawn, provided the Government servant refunds the entire amount of advance (not merely the unutilised portion) within 45 days of completion of return journey.
4.2 As per Rule 12(a) of the ‘Compendium of Rules on Advances to Government Servants’, it is the responsibility of the Head of Office to effect recovery of advances and also to see that the conditions attached to each advance are fulfilled. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) is required to keep a watch on the advances and furnish monthly statements to the AP&AO. In addition, the DDO is also required to adjust all outstanding short term advances at the close of financial year.
5. Booking of air tickets through agents other than Government approved agents
5.1 Government servants travelling by air under LTC are required to book their tickets either directly from the airline or through the approved agencies viz: Mjs Balmer Lawrie Co. Ltd/ M/s Ashok Tours & Travels Ltd/IRCTC. Booking through any other agency is not permissible.
6. Travel by private vehicles.
6.1 As per LTC rules, a Government servant may travel only by vehicles operated by Central/State Government or local bodies or by any corporation in the public sector owned/controlled by Central/State Government. Journey on LTC by taxi, auto-rickshaw etc, are permissible only between places not connected by rail. This is further subject to the condition that these modes Operate on a regular basis from point to point with the specific approval of the State Govemments/transport authorities concerned and are authorised to ply as public carriers.
7. Claims for wrong block of years
7.1 Whenever a Government servant applies for LTC advance, the administrative authority is required to verify from the service book and certify the entitlement of the Government servant. Cases of the type mentioned in para 2(d) would not arise, if this is properly done.
8. LTC Rules also provide that a government servant who has been granted LTC Advance is required to submit copies of the tickets within 10 days of drawal of advance. The administrative authority can at this stage itself check the date of commencement of journey; whether ticket has been booked direct from airline or through approved agency etc. Any discrepancy can be brought to the notice of the government servant so that he can take remedial action, if needed.
9. Even in cases where advance is not drawn, the Government servant is required to give prior intimation of his intention to avail LTC. The administrative authority can check the details indicated especially w.r.t entitlement. A watch can also be kept to ensure timely submission of claims.
10. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this OM. to the notice of all concerned. It may also be noted that requests for relaxation of rules shall be considered by this Department only if it is established that the deviation is due to reasons beyond the control of the Government servant and there has been no laxity on the part of the administrative authorities concerned.
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F.No. 31011/3/2015-Estt(A-IV)
Ministry of Personnel, Pensions & Public Grievances
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block, New Delhi
Dated April 1,2015
Subject:- LTC Claims -. Need for observing prescribed procedures
This Department receives a large number of recommendations for relaxation of some or the other provision of the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988, (hereinafter referred to as LTC Rules), in individual cases. It is seen that, in most cases the situation arises are due care had not been exercised by the Government servant and/or the administrative authority in claiming LTC or in examination.
2. The references mainly relate to:
a) Late submission of claims;
b) Booking of air tickets through an agency not authorised by the Government for this purpose;
c) Travel by private vehicles; and
d) Claims for wrong block of years.
3. In this connection it may please be noted that the primary responsibility’ for ensuring compliance with the rules is that of the Government servant. The of-repeated plea of ignorance of rules cannot be a valid ground for relaxation of rules. At the same time it has also been noticed that the administrative authorities have also shown laxity and due diligence on their part could have prevented such situations from arising.
4. Late Submission of Claim
4.1 In terms of Rules 14 and 15(vi) of LTC Rules, the time limit for submission of LTC claim is
i) Within three months of completion of return journey, if no advance is drawn;
ii) Within one month of “completion of returnjoumey, if advance is drawn.
Powers have been delegated, as under, to the Ministries/Departments to relax these limits with the concurrence of the Financial Advisor.
a) Upto 6 months, if no advance is drawri;
b) Upto 3 months if advance is drawn, provided the Government servant refunds the entire amount of advance (not merely the unutilised portion) within 45 days of completion of return journey.
4.2 As per Rule 12(a) of the ‘Compendium of Rules on Advances to Government Servants’, it is the responsibility of the Head of Office to effect recovery of advances and also to see that the conditions attached to each advance are fulfilled. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) is required to keep a watch on the advances and furnish monthly statements to the AP&AO. In addition, the DDO is also required to adjust all outstanding short term advances at the close of financial year.
5. Booking of air tickets through agents other than Government approved agents
5.1 Government servants travelling by air under LTC are required to book their tickets either directly from the airline or through the approved agencies viz: Mjs Balmer Lawrie Co. Ltd/ M/s Ashok Tours & Travels Ltd/IRCTC. Booking through any other agency is not permissible.
6. Travel by private vehicles.
6.1 As per LTC rules, a Government servant may travel only by vehicles operated by Central/State Government or local bodies or by any corporation in the public sector owned/controlled by Central/State Government. Journey on LTC by taxi, auto-rickshaw etc, are permissible only between places not connected by rail. This is further subject to the condition that these modes Operate on a regular basis from point to point with the specific approval of the State Govemments/transport authorities concerned and are authorised to ply as public carriers.
7. Claims for wrong block of years
7.1 Whenever a Government servant applies for LTC advance, the administrative authority is required to verify from the service book and certify the entitlement of the Government servant. Cases of the type mentioned in para 2(d) would not arise, if this is properly done.
8. LTC Rules also provide that a government servant who has been granted LTC Advance is required to submit copies of the tickets within 10 days of drawal of advance. The administrative authority can at this stage itself check the date of commencement of journey; whether ticket has been booked direct from airline or through approved agency etc. Any discrepancy can be brought to the notice of the government servant so that he can take remedial action, if needed.
9. Even in cases where advance is not drawn, the Government servant is required to give prior intimation of his intention to avail LTC. The administrative authority can check the details indicated especially w.r.t entitlement. A watch can also be kept to ensure timely submission of claims.
10. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this OM. to the notice of all concerned. It may also be noted that requests for relaxation of rules shall be considered by this Department only if it is established that the deviation is due to reasons beyond the control of the Government servant and there has been no laxity on the part of the administrative authorities concerned.
(Sukesh C aturvedi)
Director (Establishment)
5. Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications- Inclusion of additional qualification / Review of the qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Departments OM No1/2/89Esst (Pay-1) dated 09/04/1999.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North BlocLNew Delhi
Dated the 1 April, 2015
Sub: Grant of incentive for acquiring higher qualifications - Inclusion of additional
qualifications / Review of the qualifications listed in the Aonexure to this Department's OM No.1/2/89-Estt.(Pay-1) dated 9/4/1999 – reg
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number --dated 28.4.2009 and subsequent reminders of even number dated 11.8.2009,20.82009, 30.10.2009, 7.1.2010 and 22 11 2013 calling for suggestions regarding addition / deletion of qualifications listed in the Annexure to this Department's OM dated 9.4.1999.
2. Only few Ministries / Departments have sent in their suggestions on the subject. The meeting of the Centralized Committee for considering the inclusion of new qualifications for grant of lump sum incentives is going to be held shortly.
3. All the Ministries / Departments are once again requested to furnish their suggestions to this Department latest by 10 1h April, 2015, This may please be accorded priority.
(k K. Jain)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tel.: 2309 3178
1. All the Secretaries to the Government of India
2. NIC, DoP&T, with a request to upload this OM on the Department's website under "What is new"