Wednesday, 26 April 2017


உறுப்பினர்  சேர்க்கை

அன்பு கெழுமிய  கோட்ட / கிளைச்  செயலர்களே, வணக்கம்

உறுப்பினர்  சேர்க்கைப் படிவகங்கள் புதிய உறுப்பினர்களிடமிருந்து பெறப்பட்டிருந்தால் அவற்றை வரும் 28.04.2017 அன்று மாலை 4 மணிக்குள் கோட்ட அலுவலகத்தில் சமர்ப்பித்து ஒப்பம் பெற்றுக் கொள்ளுமாறு கேட்டுக் கொள்ளப்படுகிறார்கள். இந்தப் பணியில் உடனடியாக அனைவரும் ஈடுபட்டு அதிக அளவிலான உறுப்பினர்களை சேர்க்குமாறு மாநிலச் சங்கம் உங்கள் அனைவரையும் கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறது. மேலும் இது சம்மந்தமாக ஏதேனும் விளக்கம் தேவைப்பட்டால் மாநிலச் சங்கத்தை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்.


மாநிலச் செயலர்
கவுஸ் பாஷா
செல் : 9382661060

Remuneration to be paid to the Gramin Dak Sevaks engaged as Substitutes in short term vacancies of Postman / Mail Guard and MTS  

Meeting with Secretary, Department of Posts 

Meeting with Secretary, Department of Posts

Today ( 26.04.2017 )a team from FNPO/ NAPE Group C Sri D.Kishanrao, GS along with Asst. Secretary Generals Sri B.Shivakumar and Sri Sivaji Vasireddy met Sri BV Sudhakar, Secretary and Chairman Postal Board and discussed the following problems.

1.Cadre restructuring :

The NUPE, Group C already sought for modifications on 6.4.2017 for implementation of cadre restructuring. We opposed any deferment or abeyance of orders which will create frustration among the Group-c cadre. We also opposed the divisionalisation of LSG and HSG II. The base for the restructuring in Group-c is up gradation of C&B class offices which was approved by the nodal ministries and any deviation will affect the restructuring itself. There are no orders so far in regard to deferment or abeyance. It is the Secretary assured to settle the issues within 30 days.

2. The NAPE Group-c opposed the draft Revised Recruitment rules for AAO’s as per our letter dated 20.04.2017. Any modification to the RR will affect the cadre drastically.

3. On GDS issues two letters submitted for one time exemption of skill test for GDS who wrote PA examination in 2016.

4. It is also requested to allow the GDS employees to work as PA’s in the clear vacancies like MTS and Postman.

The response was positive.

It is also informed orders are under issue in regard to compassionate appointment of GDS without any point system and adding more dependents like widow daughter and married son.

D.Theagarajan       D.Kishan rao 
S.G FNPO               G.S NAPE-C

Cadre Restructuring  & GDS Issues latest.

Today we discussed the matter with the officers in the Directorate.   According to our information, the Directorate is going to form a committee to review the order of cadre restructuring after obtaining the views of the Heads of Circle.  

FNPO & NAPE-C strongly feel that some modifications required in the present cadre restructuring order at the same time keeping the orders in abeyance will create the unnecessary delay to get the promotion of the staff.  We are seeking the appointment of Secretary today after meeting the Chairman, we will post the outcome of our discussion on our website. 

GDS issues 

GDS D. A order will be issued shortly, in regard to the implementation of GDS Committee recommendation formalities will take at least 3 months time.

Let us hope for the best.

D.Theagarajan                                  D.Kishanrao 

S.G FNPO                                           G.S NAPE-C

Clarification on billing queries in respect of CGHS Rate List 2014

Dated: 05/04/2017


Director (Med.) Delhi, Director (Med.) Noida
MS's- All ESIC Hospitals
SSMC's/SMC's- All States

Sub: Clarification on billing queries in respect of CGHS Rate List 2014- reg


As per policy, ESI Corporation follows listed rates of CGHS for clearing bills of Empanelled Hospitals. In this context, ESIC Headquarters is receiving numerous representations from field units as well as tie-up hospitals regarding issues pertaining to defined CGHS package rates. As per clarifications received from CGHS Hqrs, New Delhi, the decisions are as under:

S.No. / Queries Raised / Decisions

1.Whether 10% deduction on rates admissible for General Ward is done for Radiotherapy, Physiotherapy Echocardiography, Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography.

No deduction or enhancement for Radiotherapy, Physiotherapy Echocardiography, Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography.

2.Whether immunosuppressant therapy for Kidney Transplantation (Related) is included within the package rates.

Yes, the rate is inclusive of immunotherapy.

3.Whether any charges for the consumable (balloon) are to be paid additionally over the package rate for Balloon Mitral Valvotomy/PTMC- (CGHS 547)

No additional Charges need to be paid.

4.Whether charges for the dye/medicine are to be paid additionally over the Package rates for Radio-Isotope Therapy- (CGHS 1364-1370)

Rates are inclusive of the dyes. No additional charges need to be paid.
These instructions will be valid from 01.04.2017.

This issues with the approval of Director General.

Your faithfully

(Dr.Sangeeta Mathur)
Dy. Medical Commissioner (SST)



Banks should not insist Pensioners to appear Physically for Pension Issues 

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The Post Office is an example of our Identity - Honourable Prime Minister

The Post Office is an example of our Identity , Every one loves Postman and Postman also loves every body : Honourable Prime Minister.

Whether Village Postman i.e; GDS MD TRCA Cooli is applicable for Postman as per the pronouncement of Honourable Prime Minister ?